Wild West Day

Mark your calendars for this year's Wild West Day

June 14th, 2025: 1 - 4pm

Wild West Day activities requiring tickets:  Tickets: $5 each or 5 for $20

Horse Rides – 2 Tickets

Face Painting – 2 Tickets

Groom a Horse – 1 Ticket

Games and Crafts – 1 Ticket

Photo Booth – 1 Ticket

50/50 Raffle Tickets: $5 each or 5 for $20 – Can’t attend the event but want to be part of the draw? 

Purchase tickets before the event!  Email Brenda at horsesenseforkids@gmail.com to order your 50/50 raffle tickets!

Saddle Up to Support our Wild West Day - Be a Sponsor or Donor!

Choose from the various sponsorship levels or create a custom amount of your choosing! Your sponsorship or donation will help provide at-risk youth in Niagara with transformative horsemanship experiences, teaching them confidence, responsibility, and resilience through their connection with these magnificent animals.

By making a donation or becoming a sponsor, you’ll be a true champion for these children. Plus, you’ll receive well-earned recognition as a supporter, with great opportunities for community engagement and brand exposure.

Join us in making a lasting impact—one hoofbeat at a time. Saddle up and support the Wild West Day today!

New this year - a Colouring Contest!

Print the colouring sheet below and post on Facebook with #HSFKcontest in the description to enter or email a copy of it to horsesenseforkids@gmail.com.